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Vittore Carpaccio, The Lion of St Mark (1516)

Frank Frazetta | American Painter



February 9, 1928

Brooklyn, New York, United States

May 10, 2010

Fort Myers, Florida, United States

Dark Kingdom (1976)

The Brain (1967)

Conan the Barbarian (1965)

The Death Dealer I (1973)

Winged Terror (1965)

The Sorcerer (1965)

Spider Man (1966)

Sea Witch (1966)

Conan the Conqueror (1967)

Conan the Usurper (1967)

Bran Mak Morn (1969)

Woman with a Scythe (1969)

Sun Goddess (1970)

Conan the Destroyer (1971)

Gollum (1973)

Swords of Mars (1974)

The Eighth Wonder / King Kong and Snake (1976)

Fire Demon (1976)

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